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GhostMDM - Mobile Device Management

GhostMDM Software offers wide-range of security policies that enables your IT administrators to keep data secure and prevent data leakage. Enforce strong security policies to protect corporate data.


Enforce Passcode Policy

Enforce strong password policies to protect critical company data stored on mobile devices

Factory Reset Protection

Allow/block the specific Google Accounts that can be used to sign-in to the device if they are factory reset.

Detect Compliance Violations

Empower the IT admin to detect any compliance violations and take appropriate actions accordingly.

Restrict Profile Removal

Prevent users from removing MDM Profile from the Apple Devices. This feature is available only on Apple DEP Devices.

SafetyNet Attestation

Perform Android device integrity, security, and compatibility check and assign policies accordingly

Control Screen Capture

Restrict your employees from taking screenshots of work apps on their personal devices.

Remote Wipe/Factory Reset

Allow the IT administrator to remote wipe/factory reset device to prevent data loss or theft.

Administrator Activity Logs

Get insights into the activities performed by administrator on the Scalefusion dashboard

MDM Kiosk Mode

IT admin can lock a device into single or multi-app Kiosk mode and prevent access to system settings or any other apps.

Data Sharing Restrictions

Restrict users from copying/sharing data or documents from work apps to personal apps.